Mount Washington Cog Railway,
2003 Work
The First Lempor in the USA

Mount Washington locomotive No.9 Waumbek was chosen as the testbed locomotive. During mid-October 2003 the Lempor components were manufactured at the railway's own facilities and subsequently fitted.

All photos have come via Nigel.

The First Lempor - Locomotive No.9 Waumbek

The diffuser, which is being used as a seat, gets welded to the mixing chamber. October 19 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

The diffuser, which is being used as a seat, gets welded to the mixing chamber. October 19 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

The diffuser and mixing chamber. October 19 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day The diffuser and mixing chamber. October 19 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

Gas-axing the top section of No.9's chimney for reuse shortly. October 20 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day
Gas-axing the top section of No.9's chimney for reuse shortly. October 20 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

The section cut off the old chimney was welded to the top of the diffuser. October 21 2003.Courtesy of Nigel Day The new mixing chamber and diffuser, with traditional chimney top, is lowered in to postion on No.9. October 21 2003. Courtesy of Nigel Day
The section cut off the old chimney was welded to the top of the diffuser. October 21 2003.Courtesy of Nigel Day
The new mixing chamber and diffuser, with traditional chimney top, is lowered in to position on No.9. October 21 2003. Courtesy of Nigel Day

Inside the smokebox the blast pipe was extended, a Lempor nozzle and a much better blower were installed. The bottom section of the mixing chamber is also clearly visible. October 22 2003. Courtesy of Nigel Day
Inside the smokebox the blast pipe was extended, a Lempor nozzle and a much better blower were installed. The bottom section of the mixing chamber is also clearly visible. October 22 2003. Courtesy of Nigel Day

October 23 2003 was the first day No.9 Waumbek was steamed with the new exhaust arrangement. Here the locomotive is warming up for the day after an overnight snowfall. Courtesy of Nigel Day
October 23 2003 was the first day No.9 Waumbek was steamed with the new exhaust arrangement. Here the locomotive is warming up for the day after an overnight snowfall. Courtesy of Nigel Day

No.9 Waumbek out on the road on test. October 23 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

No.9 Waumbek out on the road on test. October 23 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

No.9 Waumbek at the base station. October 23 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

No.9 Waumbek at the base station. October 23 2003 Courtesy of Nigel Day

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